
IN THE LAND OF THE DRAGON #1 - Cyberpunk Fantasy Comic Book

Created by Brant Fowler

The kidnapping of a child with unknown powers sparks a war between two warring corporations in a world forged of magic and technology.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Do You Like Swords?
over 2 years ago – Thu, Jan 27, 2022 at 10:07:12 PM

This post is for backers only. Please visit and log in to read.

Another Inked Page!
over 2 years ago – Mon, Jan 17, 2022 at 04:59:32 PM

This post is for backers only. Please visit and log in to read.

Some Pages!
over 2 years ago – Wed, Jan 12, 2022 at 11:53:08 AM

This post is for backers only. Please visit and log in to read.

Dropped Pledges + Some Cool Stuff!
almost 3 years ago – Sat, Dec 11, 2021 at 04:11:37 PM

Hey all!

I just wanted to say a quick THANK YOU to all of those that fixed your pledges!

Of the 22 errored pledges we had, only 5 failed to correct them before Kickstarter marked them as "dropped!" That's great, and we really appreciate your vigilance in the matter!

For those that were dropped, there will be a second chance via BackerKit, or we can discuss other options privately if you are still interested in supporting this campaign and receiving your rewards!

As soon as we have more updates to share about IN THE LAND OF THE DRAGON, you'll be the first to know! For now, though, I do want to mention a couple of other projects, one being our next one!

My wife, Lisa, is launching a project early next year and the prelaunch page is up now. She wanted me to wait until next week to start promoting, but I'll just drop the prelaunch page link and image here for now if it's cool with all of you! This is...

A story of romance, obsession, murder and plant-people. I mean, how can you go wrong?!

You can follow the Prelaunch Page here:


And though I've talked about it before, I do want to remind you about...

Issues 1-3 has been live just over a week and it's 91% funded! If you love classic literature bleeding into our reality with disastrous results, then you'll love this book!

Hank and Hector are Crossover Agents responsible for basically fixing tears in reality where some "dreamer" has unwittingly breathed a classic tale into life, and that occurrence threatens the very fabric of said reality! 

They've faced Dracula and his brides, the Wicked Witch of the West, the Martian Tripods and more! Now they face real tragedy in Shakespearean style!

I designed that logo above, and I'm lettering this book. So please go support it and help Will, myself and the rest of the team have our best launch for the series yet! 




almost 3 years ago – Sat, Dec 04, 2021 at 09:47:05 PM

Hey everyone!

Thank you, thank you, thank you! Last night we hit the funding goal and we just kept going thanks to all of you! We are so happy with how this campaign is winding down!

So happy, in fact, we are now announcing...

We're already very close to unlocking the first one!

And for the 6-pager, we think you'll be very happy with that if we reach it as Lorenza Pigliamosche who illustrated our "Akira" cover will be providing the art for the story!

Just a few short hours left! Keep spreading the word and let's see how far we can go!

Tart 14 - Tart Acid in the Wild, Wild West

This is the 14th installment in Kevin Joseph's time-travelling fantasy series as Tart Acid heads to the Wild, Wild West!

"The Toxic Fruit are constantly monitoring the time stream. Looking for clues to where (and when) the Kingdom of Hell will strike. When they know an attack is underway, Kyu sends an agent to confront it.

But not every demonic incursion is so easily uncovered. Sometimes it takes an investigation to track down the pesky varmints that got loose from Hell.

That's exactly what Tart Acid must do in Tart 14. Scour the Old West to find what doesn't belong.

Will she find evidence of a supernatural threat? And if she does can she stop it and bring the wisdom she gains back to the Toxic Fruit to help the other agents survive their future encounters?"


Rift Riders #1: A Tale of Space Pirates & Cowboys!

Check out this brand new swashbuckling sci-fi series from Chris Beck!

"Rift Riders is a story about swashbuckling space pirates, cowboys, and ninjas caught in a wacky part of the galaxy called The Rift; an expanse of chaotic space where multiple universes collided. Only the bravest of explorers, the Rift Riders, can navigate the turbulent tides on their way to fame and glory.

Rift Riders#1: Ante Up! focuses on Captain Crow and her trusty first mate Julius Red-Hand as they attempt to con a couple of hapless crystal farmers over a game of cards. Plans quickly go awry when the crustacean pirates come looking for payback from a spoiled job botched by Captain Crow and her crew.  A firefight, a frantic chase through the New Last Oasis space-station, and intrigue quickly erupts from the technicolor pages of Rift Riders!"


Plan 59 from Outer Space - Issue 2

Here comes issue 2 of the follow-up to the classic Plan 9 from Outer Space from Dren Productions and Mike Dolce!

"Back in 1957, Ed Wood brought us a movie about aliens who tried to raise the dead in order to destroy humanity in order to prevent us from causing a galaxy destroying weapon that they believed we would one day create. This was Plan 9 from Outer Space.

Obviously, plans 1 through 8 failed, and (spoiler alert, but frankly the movie has been out for 63 years now, so there shouldn't be much to spoil) so did Plan 9. But what happened in the years since 1957? Did the aliens just give up? Were they going to cease their plans to stop us and save the galaxy? Of course not. Almost 60 years have passed, and in that time, they have attempted to destroy us nearly 50 more times, and humanity has become quite adept at fighting them off. But today, they are coming back for their 59th plan, a plan that is so nefarious, it just might work.

How will the aliens try to destroy humanity this time? Just look in your hand. That little device that's always by your side and that you could never live without. They will destroy us using our own cell phones."

