
IN THE LAND OF THE DRAGON #1 - Cyberpunk Fantasy Comic Book

Created by Brant Fowler

The kidnapping of a child with unknown powers sparks a war between two warring corporations in a world forged of magic and technology.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

THANK YOU! (What Comes Next)
almost 3 years ago – Sat, Dec 04, 2021 at 09:46:58 PM

Last night, 380 of you took us nearly $1000 past our funding goal! So THANK YOU for helping bring this book to life!

We couldn't have done it without you, quite literally, so pat yourselves on the back!


In two weeks, we will receive the funds from Kickstarter less any fees and less errored pledges (more on that in a sec). 

That will be roughly one week before Christmas. So we'll all be taking some much needed time to spend with our loved ones over the holidays. But then we'll be resuming work on the book in the new year to get it ready as soon as possible!

We'll also give you regular updates as new art comes in and every step of the way during the process of putting this book together and getting it in your hands or inboxes!

Errored Pledges

When cards were charged at the end of the campaign, there were 22 errored pledges! That's quite a chunk of funding. Kickstarter gives you a week to correct those and sends out reminders. 

I am just reminding you now so you don't miss out on your rewards and so you have plenty of time to fix the error before time runs out!


We will be using BackerKit for fulfillment and surveys when the time comes. If you are not familiar with BackerKit, I will make an update explaining the process. And since we did not reach our stretch goals during this campaign, there may be a chance to fund those via BackerKit!

You will also be able to add on items you weren't able to during this campaign if you so choose.

More on that as we get closer to the book's completion.


If you backed at the Retailer Bundle tiers, at some point I'll be in touch with you once we're ready to ship. I am excited to discuss things with you then!

On behalf of the entire team (Luca, Lorenzo, Stefano, Lorenza, Fabiana, Alessandra, Federico, Andrea, Toben, my wife Lisa and myself) we can't thank you enough! And we can't wait to share this book with you!

Before you go, check these campaigns out that are still live right now:

DIG #1 - Thrilling 64-Page Crime Horror One-Shot SINK Tale

DIG #1 is an all-new 64-page one-shot spinning out of the critically acclaimed pulp crime saga SINK, at last revealing the shocking origins of Mr. Dig and setting up everything that is to come in future pages of Sink!

Rojan Hardi is a migrant building a new life for himself and his family in his adoptive home of Glasgow, Scotland. But he leads another life as masked, shovel-wielding vigilante Mr. Dig. Driven by fury and vengeance, for the past year Mr. Dig has delivered brutal street justice to the criminal underworld terrorizing Sinkhill.

But today, he finds himself in a new and uncomfortable role, as he has unexpectedly become a protector and community leader of a tenement of outcasts. Now, Rojan must confront the traumatic history that led to the creation of Mr. Dig while facing a terrifying, seemingly unstoppable new enemy intent on burning all he has built to the ground.


The Illusion Witch Book Three

The Illusion Witch Tells the adventure of Aadya Locke, a celebrated illusionist that is reluctantly pulled into a breathtaking world of real magic. Saari is both an awe-inspiring and terrifying realm where Aadya encounters demonic threats like “The Three” - a maniacal wraith whose intentions are truly sinister.

The Illusion Witch Book Three plunges Aadya into the depths of Saari accompanied by Baru, she will meet Kelvin, O'Rian and Syra; The Circle. As Aadya struggles with her new reality, her companions will begin to question The Cyrens choice of Aadya; leaving the The Three to make the first move to take Aadya off the board.


HISMWTC #1: And Other Tales From Freshman Year

HOWI SLEPT MY WAY THROUGH COLLEGE AND OTHER TALES FROM FRESHMAN YEAR, an all-new comic book miniseries for mature readers that's a bit of a departure in tone from what I've done before with Glarien, White Ash and The Game (No elves or dwarves in this one).

Written by Charlie Stickney, with art by EmilianaPinna and colors by Dearbhla Kelly, the 36 Page first issue of HISMWTC follows Stephanie, an ambitious young college freshman who's swept up into a game of cat and mouse with a brilliant professor, whom she discovers is running a high-end escort service using students as call girls. Think House of Cards having a three-way with How To Get Away With Murder and The Girlfriend Experience.


Happy Holidays!


Sample of Lorenzo's Commissions!
almost 3 years ago – Fri, Dec 03, 2021 at 12:43:58 AM

Hey all!

For those that got the Lorenzo Re original commission tier or were considering it, he sent me over this example of what those might look like, so I thought I'd share!

Gorgeous, right? You're in for a treat if you're getting one of his commissions!

How Things Are Going

We are about $400 from goal with just over 33 hours left! That seems pretty good to us! But since we aren't fully funded just yet, please keep spreading the word so more people can find it and we can make this book a reality!

Crossover Division #'s 1-3: Shakespearean Drama Invades!

Not only is this one by a friend of mine, I'm also lettering this book! So definitely show your support! It's a fun book, and if you like classic literature you're going to enjoy the way Will intertwines some famous passages in the fabric of the story. Here's more about it:

"When stories come to life and threaten to fracture reality beyond repair, only an English professor and a research librarian have the knowledge and smarts to save us all. Join Hank Wallace and Hector Ramirez in Crossover Division #3 as Shakespearean drama invades a small, midwestern town! Hank and Hector encounter the mysterious Betsy while trying to end the crossover and prevent Shakespearean tragedy from engulfing the world."


And this one is ending today, so if you're into supernatural westerns, you'll really enjoy this one.

THE FEW AND CURSED #7 - a New Season begins! 💀

"The Few and Cursed is a supernatural post-apocalyptic western. It can almost be described as a Buffy the Vampire Slayer meets the Old West with a pinch of The Witcher for good measure.

It's been seventy years already since most of the water on the planet was simply gone overnight in a mysterious apocalyptic event. Mankind has long adapted to survive this harsh environment but water has become so scarce that is now the currency of the world.

The Redhead is back and it feels amazing to be working on a brand new book featuring the series' most beloved character! It's been two years too long since we last saw Red on a new story after the thrilling Crows of Mana'Olana six-issue arc (collected as a trade paperback and available right here as well!)

THE FEW AND CURSED: Deluge is a brand new mini-series that will introduce new characters, curses and challenges as we continue to expand the universe we started a few years ago."



91% - Almost There!
almost 3 years ago – Thu, Dec 02, 2021 at 06:27:17 PM

Hey everyone!

Today has been a stellar day as we entered our final 48 hours earlier this evening!

A big THANK YOU to all the new backers that joined us for the ride today!

As of this post, we are just over $600 from fully funding! 

Tomorrow morning I'll be sharing something cool in another update, so be looking for that.

And then we see how far this thing goes before it ends Friday night! Can't wait to celebrate with you all!

Now before you go, check out these projects that are also ending soon. One tomorrow, the other in about a week!

NIGHTMARE THEATER 2 - Revenge of the Horror Comic Anthology

Several of my friends have stories in this one (Clay Adams, Kat Calamia, Phil Falco, James Powell, Rob Multari and more!), so if you're a fan of horror you're going to want to check this one out!

"Do you like scary movies?

Stories inspired by horror cinema--from Poe to Alien, ghosts and ghouls, slasher films, tales of terror, B-Movie scream fests, monster movies, Stephen King creepiness, stylized Kubrick hauntings, Romero zombies, demon possession, occult, and otherwise.

It’s a fresh film festival of souls presented by the horror hostess with the mostess, Shelley Poe Stoker, and her malevolent minions, The Welder and Eerie Erin.

Settle into your seats... it‘s going to be a real horror show."


Blazing Blade of Frankenstein #1

This is also by some friends of mine, Clay Adams (again) and Kyle Roberts! If you love Frankenstein, you'll love these follow up stories to that classic!

"BLAZING BLADE OF FRANKENSTEIN is an episodic graphic novel that casts Mary Shelley's monster as a wandering barbarian fighting for the fate of a savage land.

Each episode stands on its own as a complete story, but when read together, they tell one epic tale.

It's a direct sequel to FRANKENSTEIN, picking up immediately after the events of Mary Shelley's novel. This is the monster as Shelley wrote him: intelligent and sensitive, with super-human speed and strength. No Boris Karloff grunting and shambling here..."


Talk to you all again in the morning!


New Tier: Digital Indie Comics Bundle!
almost 3 years ago – Tue, Nov 30, 2021 at 04:51:25 PM

Hey all!

As promised, in celebration of hitting the 80% milestone, we have a brand new reward tier now live!

NOTE: If you're a current backer, you're getting this already! But if you know people that love indie comics, tell them about this tier!

Indie Comics Digital Bundle

ALL backers get all 8 of these comics in addition to any other milestones we've unlocked!

Backers of the new tier will get ALL 8 of these digital comics for just $2! 

This tier does NOT come with In the Land of the Dragon, but it can be added on. This is just our way of giving back and spreading the awesomeness of these creators to more people as well!

This bundle includes:

  • Essence Vol. 1 by Charles Dobes, Chris Gevenois, Federico Sabbatini, Fahriza Kamaputra and more.
  • Duplicant #1 by Karla Nappi and Marianna Strychowska
  • Insectakid #1 by Michael K. Easton
  • Killeroo: Scars by Darren Close, Daniel Lawson & Ryan Wilton
  • Sunmaker #1 by Liam Hayes, Ryan Kroboth and Dave Lentz
  • Night Wolf #1 by Rob Multari, Oscar Choquecota Ale & Carlos Herrera
  • Ichabod Jones #1 by Russell Nohelty and Renzo Podesta
  • Spectress & Sabanion #1 by Kurt Zauer, Topper Helms and Wesley Wong

Insectakid #2 is currently live on Kickstarter HERE if you want to check that out, by the way!

And a huge thanks to those creators mentioned above for sharing their comics with us for this!

Here's a graphic of the new tier. Feel free to use this if you'd like to share this around:

As I mentioned Killeroo: Scars above, I should let you know that this campaign is currently live:


OLD MAN RUFUS is a new Killeroo comic book, taking place some 30 years in the future of the regular series. It's a one-shot for now, but may be expanded to several issues if well received.

However, the Australia of the future is a very different place, after several nuclear strikes on the Eastern coast have made much of the country a barren wasteland. The only remaining city is Perth, with all of Western Australia walled off by an enormous barrier to maintain the Cyberpunk-like society that has developed there.

For a world that Killeroo once had to hide away from society, THIS Australia is now largely his domain.


And these I will go into more detail about in future updates, but as these are some friends of mine who just launched yesterday and today, I wanted to get their links out there ASAP:

Tart #14 - Tart Acid in the Wild, Wild West

Crossover Division #'s 1-3: Shakesperean Drama Invades!

DIG #1 - Thrilling 64-Page Crime Horror One-Shot SINK Tale

HISMWTC #1: And Other Tales From Freshman Year

Ok, that's it for now. Let's keep moving toward that goal!


80% With Days to Go!
almost 3 years ago – Mon, Nov 29, 2021 at 10:35:59 PM

Hey all!

We are in the home stretch with less than 4 full days remaining in the campaign! Tonight, we crossed the $6K mark that took us to 80% funded!

Sure, we still have a hill to climb, but the entire team is confident we'll reach it by campaign's end on Friday evening!

To backers new and old, THANK YOU again for all your support and shares, we can't tell you how much we appreciate it!

Tomorrow, I'll be adding a Cyber"Punk" Week Digital Bundle tier that ALL backers, again, new and old, will receive for helping us hit this milestone!

Until then, check out this campaign, which ends tomorrow!

Tyler Martin's The Antagonists : Issues 4-6

Tonya and Calvin Eval use to be the world's most infamous supervillains but retired after becoming pregnant with their firstborn child, now years later, the duo struggles to lead a normal and uneventful life.

In the next THREE issues of THE ANTAGONISTS, Tonya's brash and horrific actions in issue #1 have drastic consequences for the entire Eval family as the secret supervillain hunting agency known only as A.C.T.I.O.N or The American Counter-Terrorists Inquiry of Nemesis finally manages to learn of the duo's whereabouts. Lead by a super sadistic, adrenaline-junky mercenary and his calculating handler, the Evals must think on their feet and face their truths if they are to survive.

